2004 Scrapbook

       Woody.jpg (74289 bytes) Click on any picture for a larger view.  Osprey0304.jpg (32581 bytes) 

  SunRise.jpg (25320 bytes) Sunrise, John Sparks, full moon Full moon.jpg (10094 bytes)

Tough day of fishing but another wonderful group of people to fish with

BradRach1229C.jpg (152739 bytes)   BradRachDal1229.jpg (144361 bytes)     BradRach1229B.jpg (88752 bytes)  

Early THICK fog!!!....................and a very cold lady

BradRach1229.jpg (140778 bytes)    BradRach1229A.jpg (86108 bytes)

A wonderful time even if the fishing was tough...I was fishing with a former student

 I had not seen in 22 years and his father...what a great Christmas present for me!

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A Tough Day a fishing but it still beats the weather in Chicago, eh Tom?

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Fall is here and so are the BIG fish!!

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John Payette early in the morning. To quote his hero, "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP!

John P.jpg (82051 bytes)    John P 1.jpg (86871 bytes)    John P 2.jpg (103323 bytes)

Joel, I owe you another picture!

Joel822.jpg (122144 bytes)

Yes, It's BPS Tuesday once again

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Another BPS Tuesday at Fayette!

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It is nice to make your FIRST bass a FIVE pounder!

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 RonTyler730C.jpg (59786 bytes)    RonTyler730D.jpg (71660 bytes)    RonTyler730E.jpg (85477 bytes)

Another BPS Day at the lake!

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  Matt727B.jpg (76748 bytes)    MikeMatt727B.jpg (77357 bytes)    MikeBPS727B.jpg (61640 bytes)        

You would think TWO guides would be better than one!

JohnP725B.jpg (66836 bytes)    JohnP725.jpg (105991 bytes)    JohnP725A.jpg (60527 bytes)    Me725.jpg (57245 bytes)

Tuesday is Bass Pro Shops Day on Fayette.


MattH0720.jpg (78178 bytes)    MattH0720A.jpg (66134 bytes)  

  MattH0720B.jpg (65506 bytes) Look closely. This fish hit the MOJO weight and wouldn't let go!

A GREAT fisherman (and Dad ain't bad either!!)

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 Cody718B.jpg (90987 bytes)    Cody718C.jpg (105497 bytes)    CodyScotgt718.jpg (76439 bytes)    

The Below pictures of compliments of John Sparks, Fayette County Guide.

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Two Brothers from Michigan and a great day of Texas fishing.  Note the second row first and second pictures. The Blue Gill fell off!!!

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 Daniel716A.jpg (87582 bytes)    Daniel716B.jpg (83088 bytes)    Daniel716C.jpg (80740 bytes)     Daniel716E.jpg (63336 bytes)    Daniel716D.jpg (98793 bytes)  

Bass Pro Shops is a good place to end the day.

Daniel716F.jpg (148778 bytes)     DanielMike716B.jpg (107761 bytes)    Daniel716G.jpg (174074 bytes)

Don't you ever believe you cannot catch good fish in July on Fayette. Even if the son out fishes the father, the student has become the master!

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A Good friend, his brother and son. What a nice trip

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Another Great Father & Son outing!

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Any other good BPS day until we were blown off the lake at 8:30!  All solid fish

MikeBPS0622.jpg (85266 bytes)    MikeBPS0622A.jpg (66945 bytes)    MikeBPS0622B.jpg (64610 bytes)    

MikeBPS0622D.jpg (67002 bytes)    MikeBPS0622E.jpg (97570 bytes)    Me622.jpg (94334 bytes)

Women who fish   

Megan.jpg (100380 bytes)    Megan1.jpg (67849 bytes)    Megan2.jpg (94034 bytes)    Megan3.jpg (77527 bytes)

If you look closely at these pictures you will find one where a 6 pound bass has just slapped young Dallas in the face! <g>

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RyneDallas.JPG (53720 bytes)    FishSlap.JPG (54760 bytes)    RyneRelease.JPG (75043 bytes)    RyneRelease1.JPG (83441 bytes)

A nice father and son outing in 25 mph winds!

Mike Stevens.JPG (77412 bytes)    Shawn.JPG (102601 bytes)    Shawn2.JPG (74621 bytes)    Shawn3.JPG (98507 bytes)    Shawn4.JPG (91396 bytes)   

  ShawnSleep.JPG (74696 bytes)    Dragon Fly.JPG (52204 bytes) Note the dragon fly is stuck on the hook of a buzzbait!!!!!

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BPSMike.jpg (339162 bytes)    BPSColony.jpg (484793 bytes)    BPSMike1.jpg (273951 bytes)        me5-11A.jpg (192247 bytes)

Bass Pro Shops has some good fisherman working for them!

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 Father son fishing at its best no matter what age you are! 

 FayFish2.jpg (16764 bytes)  FayFish3.jpg (35427 bytes)



Paul0414.jpg (33945 bytes) Check this out! A "Yankee" fisherman with his first Texas bass. Paul0414B.jpg (102987 bytes)

Now he can retire here and really get after 'em!


Spring Break Fishing  DuaneMichael0304.jpg (36685 bytes) Duane0304.jpg (30285 bytes) Michael0304.jpg (36453 bytes)

It was a numbers game and a lot of fun this trip!

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Nice father and TWO son trip    RyneDallasWilliam.jpg (47828 bytes)    RyneDallas.jpg (34750 bytes)  

Double and no trouble  RyneDallas2.jpg (28101 bytes)    Kiss my bass! RyneKiss.jpg (29589 bytes)

Conroe American Rodsmith Tournament.

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Buck bass were all over us this morning!

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A Father and son trip is something to remember for a lifetime!

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The pelicans love Fayette in the winter!

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Two good friends explore Fayette for the first time.

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Well here are the first fish of the new year!

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Forgot this one last thanksgiving. These are the BPS fishing guys that have been around from the start of this store. First time we had been together in years all working at the same time on Thanksgiving Day

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Don, me, Charlie, Brandon, Viet and Brian.

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And some of the kids after a demo